Bradley Cooper is a Hiway Screen Saver!

Bradley Cooper is a Hiway Screen Saver!
Bradley Cooper is a Hiway Screen Saver!

Back when I was a non-profit fundraiser, my most creative campaign brought me in touch with an amazing person who literally lights up a room...When CBS Sunday Morning was scouting locations for an interview with Bradley Cooper, he insisted that a visit be made to the Hiway Theatre as he had spent so much time seeing movies at the Hiway when he was growing up in Jenkintown.  He was eager to learn about the Hiway as a non-profit movie theater and about our need to purchase a digital projector.  I worked with the CBS scout, convincing him that among all the places Cooper was visiting, our venue was the best for the interview.

Bam!  We hosted the CBS crew, the interview took place in the theater itself and Bradley Cooper became a Screen Saver!   Needless to say, the campaign was a great success!




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