Here are some things I think about.

Work 2024: Missing the Communal Eye Roll
As a life coach, I see that my clients are missing the benefit of a ritual that was present in offices across the globe: the after-meeting hang and debrief. Call it the after-meeting after-party.

Bounce into Spring: Topic-Specific Packages
Instead of slogging through March, inject some early spring time energy and tackle that one thing that has been bugging you. To learn how this strategically focussed coaching program can lead to sustainable change, schedule a conversation soon.
Photo credit: "Extreme Tigger" by JD Hancock is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Want to Publish a Book?
I am a loving accountability and timeline coach, editor, hand holder, midwife and fairy godmother. Plus I love contributing to the design process.

You Have Anxiety and I Have Cancer
Hey, I get it -- There is a lot of anxiety around breast cancer. No shit. But I say to myself, as I stand there in painful disbelief, hey well-intentioned lady, you have anxiety and I HAVE CANCER! The randomness of my cancer terrifies you but the ease with which you align me with a struggling woman terrifies me.

Get Unstuck with My Secret Hack
Here’s a story for you. You may relate to the before part: feeling stuck, unmotivated, ruminating, wondering why, when, how you will feel your energy move again. Here is a story about the after part and what I learned to be true:

Chocolate Love!
The delicious news about chocolate is that it is good for your gut health! Wahoo! I used to love chocolate: ate it morning, noon and night. Now my relationship with chocolate is measured. But there is also so much good to be found in chocolate - as you already know!