Here are some things I think about.

Bounce into Spring: Topic-Specific Packages
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Bounce into Spring: Topic-Specific Packages

Instead of slogging through March, inject some early spring time energy and tackle that one thing that has been bugging you. To learn how this strategically focussed coaching program can lead to sustainable change, schedule a conversation soon. 

Photo credit: "Extreme Tigger" by JD Hancock is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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Want to Publish a Book?
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Want to Publish a Book?

I am a loving accountability and timeline coach, editor, hand holder, midwife and fairy godmother. Plus I love contributing to the design process.

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Get Unstuck with My Secret Hack
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Get Unstuck with My Secret Hack

Here’s a story for you. You may relate to the before part: feeling stuck, unmotivated, ruminating, wondering why, when, how you will feel your energy move again. Here is a story about the after part and what I learned to be true:

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Create a Customized Morning Routine
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Create a Customized Morning Routine

More than anything else, a morning routine invites you to tiptoe into your day or greet it with fanfare. It also provides the transition from when we are available only to ourselves to when we are available to others. You’ve read many different ways to open your day, but this process ensures that YOU determine how you spend your early hours. It is 100% customized for you.

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