Nature Heals, Inspires, Soothes & Propels
This is a great article that asks if two hours outdoors is the new 10,000 steps - especially in times of Covid. It's from the Wall Street Journal of all places and you can read it here. It is written by Betsy Morris and the stunning photo that accompanies the article is from Getty images.
We are a nature focused family and even we don't get out enough. My husband runs an enviro ed center and we spend way more time indoors than I care to divulge . Still, we appreciate even small walks in the woods as much as grander mountain hikes. We remember taking our two daughters on hikes and setting our internal clocks to ten minutes at the start of each one. For literally ten minutes our girls whined and whimpered. Ten minutes in, the noise quieted and made room for romping, delight and discovery. Every single time. Now, being stuck in NY apts, they make sure that they and their partners get out and adventure as best they can. Quarantine has brought them back to their roots. Literally.
I can tell you that nature figures into my coaching - even as part of my virtual house call assignments for some of my clients. It is always part of my health and wellness conversations.
It is still very much winter where I am but the air is invigorating and the trees are still reaching high into an ever changing sky. I will commit to getting out today - you do the same.