Do You Pass the 3:00 AM Wakeup Test?
Entrepreneurs, I know what you are thinking.
You think this is about YOU waking up at 3:00 AM and how, as a coach, I’ll let you know how to make that stop happening. Nope, today it’s not exactly about you. It’s about your prospective client.
Imagine this, your prospective client is restless and can’t sleep. Frankly, she’s a little strung out and she needs the exact service you provide. She stumbles toward the computer, does a search and finds you. Wow. Good work! Now, here’s the thing: when she gets to you, strung out, tired and needy, will your website clearly explain what you do, how you do it, how to reach you and most importantly, at 3:01 AM, how she will benefit? In short, is your website doing everything you need it to do? Can she get all the information she needs without you by her side narrating?
If you are using jargon or require a visitor to muddle through idiosyncratic navigation please, please have someone (or me) visit your website and give it hard look through the eyes of a potential client. It goes beyond copywriting and aesthetics, which are both critically important communication vehicles. How easily you invite someone to learn about you goes to the core of your mission, your work, your message, your goals and your identity.
Clients hire us to provide solutions – to make life easier and less complicated. To that end, we want our 3:02 AM visitor get the information she needs so that she can go back to sleep. She’ll put you at the top of her to-do list and you’ll sleep easier knowing that you are always communicating with authority and clarity.
Contact me to learn more about the 3:00 AM Website Assessment.